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Tom Hanks

Mark Rylance

Amy Ryan

Movie director

Steven Spielberg


2h21 min




During the Cold War, the Soviet Union captures U.S. pilot Francis Gary Powers after shooting down his U-2 spy plane. Sentenced to 10 years in prison, Powers' only hope is New York lawyer James Donovan, recruited by a CIA operative to negotiate his release. Donovan boards a plane to Berlin, hoping to win the young man's freedom through a prisoner exchange. If all goes well, the Russians would get Rudolf Abel, the convicted spy who Donovan defended in court.


Second half of the 20th century

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Here are some ideas:

  • It is not an objective critic of the movie, but rather a description of what you felt watching the movie.

  • You should not hesitate to write more about your emotions than about the movie itself.

  • And take care not to divulgue any information about the plot!

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