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Dustin Hoffman

Jessica Lange

Teri Garr

Movie director

Sydney Pollack


1h56 min




Michael Dorsey is an unemployed actor with an impossible reputation. In order to find work and fund his friend's play he dresses as a woman, Dorothy Michaels, and lands the part in a daytime drama. Dorsey loses himself in this woman role and essentially becomes Dorothy Michaels, captivating women all around the city and inspiring them to break free from the control of men and become more like Dorsey's initial identity. This newfound role, however, lands Dorsey in a hot spot between a female friend/'lover,' a female co-star he falls in love with, that co-star's father who falls in love with him, and a male co-star who yearns for his affection.


Second half of the 20th century

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  • It is not an objective critic of the movie, but rather a description of what you felt watching the movie.

  • You should not hesitate to write more about your emotions than about the movie itself.

  • And take care not to divulgue any information about the plot!

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